create a function for converting Cron expression to local time zone - Upwork

we're using AWS cloudwatch for trigging event on automated schedule with cron expression and  all scheduled events use UTC time zone.
we want to create a function to convert a cron expression into local time zone crons  that runs on UTC schedule but only triggered in local time zone
0 6 ? * TUE *  -  this the cron we want to convert
America/Caracas - timezone
the function take those as input and convert
results : 0  10 ? * TUE *
the cron results can run in aws with utc but runs exactly on the timezone
the function can either be written in nodejs or python .

Budget: $50
Posted On: June 20, 2022 20:37 UTC
Category: Full Stack Development
Skills:Node.js, Python, AWS Amplify, AWS Application
Country: Morocco
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