Looking for a PayPal Implementation Specialist to change the Layout of our Payment Popup - Upwork

We have a startup that sells subscriptions, and one of our Payment Gateways is PayPal. Since the platform is hard-coded and doesn't use a CMS, the PayPal implementation is coded as well (no plugin or anything prepackaged). We have noticed that our competition presents a considerably different PayPal Popup (after the Sign In step), and we'd like to change hours. After looking into our PayPal account settings, it seems like there's no pre-made option to chose between templates, so we assume this must be addressed at the code implementation level.

We need someone with extensive experience implementing PayPal into web apps (ours is, specifically, on Ruby on Rails) to help us change the information that the customer sees before clicking on the "Pay" button at the PayPal Modal.

Please include in your proposal your quote for:
a) Telling us how to change this without coding it yourself
b) Solving it yourself by gaining access to our source code.

And please mention how long you expect option b) to take as well.

Looking forward to reading your proposals!

Posted On: June 22, 2022 20:36 UTC
Category: Ecommerce Website Development
Skills:API Integration, PayPal, Bug Fix
click to apply

from All jobs | upwork.com https://bit.ly/39HY7pN

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