Auto-sign users into Zoho Desk help center if they are logged into our company's software - Upwork

Hi, our team is looking for to auto-sign our customers/users into Zoho Desk help center if they are logged into our company's software.

Job scope:
Setup Zoho Desk Help Center settings so that:
1. Only users with accounts in (our company's software) can access and view articles at (our zoho desk help center)
2. If user logs into and clicks "Help" they can access and view articles that are only accessible if users are signed-in
3. If user visits and is not logged into they get directed to login to
4. A user can view only help tickets they have submitted
5. Users do not have to create a seperate Zoho Desk account to view Help Center or Submit a ticket

Hourly Range: $15.00-$40.00
Posted On: July 19, 2022 00:31 UTC
Category: Tech Support
Country: United States
click to apply

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