Scrape text/img data from a downloadable study program - Upwork

Downloadable study program needs 1,000-1,200 multiple choice questions scraped from the data base, to include the questions, multiple choice answers, some image graphics that are linked to questions, and text explanations.

The program is a paid academic test study program (I will pay for a subscription for you) but the text format of the questions may need to be extracted from the code, as they cannot be highlighted in the program. Script writing and an understanding of coding will be required in order to open the program and extract the data.

Data needs to be extracted into an Excel file.

Successful completion of this will lead to an offer to conduct this on about 8-10 more similar projects within the next 30-60 days.

Budget: $197
Posted On: July 18, 2022 20:35 UTC
Category: Data Extraction
Skills:Data Scraping, Microsoft Excel, Data Extraction, Python, Data Entry
Country: United States
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