Internet Research Competitive Business Demographic Needed - Upwork


This position is for someone who is an extremely swift and expert researcher, web scraper, and organized as we are looking for a research assistant who can help me put data together and Ability to provide accurate data where each information is being sourced from so we can validate the data sourced later on, Some of the tasks includes sourcing/researching contacts for thousands of individuals/companies/brands/corporations to organize in spreadsheet, The ideal candidate should be familiar with Google Sheets.

First step of the project is very simple and easy It's pretty straightforward and clear we need you to collect demographic information for each business roughly 3000 to 5000 companies along with mentioned below fields.
- Industry.
- Headquarters (Location).
- Employee Size.
- Annual Revenue.
- Link to LinkedIn Profile.

This work very can easily expand into higher-paying work if performed well, You feel in experienced for this work and are excited about this opportunity, feel free to apply!

Hourly Range: $4.00-$5.00
Posted On: August 20, 2022 19:34 UTC
Category: General Research Services
Skills:Lead Generation, Data Entry, Google Search, Data Mining, Marketing Strategy, Researcher, Market Research
Country: United States
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