Need Trademark for Clothing Apparel - Upwork

I am a licensed paralegal so I have an understanding of the trademark process as I have previously completed two.  I am seeking an attorney or paralegal to file the mark for me so that I can focus on my startup.  I understand that the filing fees charged by USPTO will be paid by me separately; but if you include them in your costs, please state so in your quote.  

I would like the following:

**File the trademarks with USPTO (I will need two separate marks LOGO and WORD - Class 25)
**Respond to USPTO office actions
**Filing Statement of Use forms

Please include an itemized quote & I look forward to your feedback!

Hourly Range: $50.00-$150.00
Posted On: August 29, 2022 21:29 UTC
Category: Intellectual Property Law
Skills:Trademark, Intellectual Property Law, Trademark Consulting
Country: United States
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