Design & Build Wordpress Site (with Flatsome theme) - Upwork

Good day. I'm looking for a talented Wordpress designer to use the Flatsome theme and build me a 6 page MVP website for testing. I have already done the wireframes and all of the content is written, I just need someone to make it look very nice and professional.

It's a total of 6 pages:
- Home
- About Us
- How it Works
- List Your Boat (form page)
- Browse our Boats (form page)
- Boat listing page

I can share wireframes and content.

We've already purchased Wordpress and installed the Flatsome theme,  so now we just need someone to create the pages and make them look nice (on desktop and responive mobile).

Thank you.

Budget: $100
Posted On: September 11, 2022 20:33 UTC
Category: Web Design
Skills:WordPress, Web Design, Web Development
Country: United States
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